Thursday, January 3, 2008


I'm not gonna' lie...MH's new photo has me a little bit scared. He's come a long way in two days. I feel like I've hit the 3-day wall (as far as beards are concerned). Hopefully tomorrow will bring some new hairs.

Day 3

January 3rd and I feel like we are coming along nicely. We had to find our motivation but I feel we are now ready to burst out into full scruffy goodness. My face is lonely no more. These next few days are crucial if we are to lay the ground work for our eventual victory.

My Motivation part no. 5

Don't count you chickens.

First of all this is a marathon not a sprint. And while our viewers might not be able to tell due to the lack of hair on Stubbles head, his hair is much darker than mine, hence more likely to show up in the early stages. 

By the way, dog urine is a tonic proven to put hair on your chin.


I feel like my beardersizing is really paying off. Just look at the pictures. While MH is missing an eye and drinking a glass of dog urine, my beard continues to grow.

It's a Beard Frenzy

If you hadn't noticed the other night the late night shows came back on. An guess who has joined the beard frenzy, Dave Letterman and Conan O'Brien. Thanks for the support guys.