Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 1

I feel naked. I feel like Sampson. My face is angry. I look forward to tomorrow morning when I can wake up with some stubble.

However disheartening the first day may be I am confident in my ability to rebound with a full and fiery beard. 

Stubble I'm coming for you. I await your answer.


I'm not scared. I've been here before. I can already feel my hair growing out from my face. It's just a matter of time before a five o'clock shadow because a hairy bush of doom. I stood outside for six hours straight forcing my naked skin to endure the cool air. I look forward to looking even more intense tomorrow.

My Motivation part no. 4

What if I told you this guy was my brother? Would growing a beard be worth it anymore?
I didn't need to say my goodbyes to my face hair because I am down for the cause. I am more dedicated to my beard then ever before.

Mr. Hindew may hang out with babies but how can you mess with someone who hangs out with ox?

Moment of Truth

Here we are. A few minute before launch time. Emmet is getting his last pulls before the beard comes off. I promise him it'll be back bigger and stronger very soon. It's a sacrifice but our family honor is at stake.

I've yet to hear from Mike Stubble. I assume he is going through his own ceremonious goodbyes